Stop sending invitations for your Network Marketing Biz. Do this instead!
3 steps to grow your business organically.
Follow along with the Free Guide « Introduction to Lead Generation »

Bam! You have just taken the first step in starting your Network Marketing and you are told to send invites. You don’t feel good about it. You really wish there was another way to build your business.
Well, there is a better way to reach your potential customers than to send cold invitations all day long.
No more wasting time inviting people who don’t want to know about your product.
Let me walk you through a proven approach that most businesses have been using for years to reach potential clients!
So what is this strategy that makes you stand out from the crowd and build a sustainable business that you feel good about without sending invites?
It’s called Inbound Marketing.
Here what it is:
Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing (like cold messaging or “join my team” or “2 spots left”) interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have.
This method makes you attractive to customers because they don’t make people feel like they’re being sold to.
So you see it’s actually the opposite of sending invitations.
The content provided by inbound marketing is educational, entertaining, and may be more welcomed by consumers.
When done correctly, it can return dramatically better results than cold prospecting.
When consumers find your business this way, it has a stronger influence on their future marketing decisions and their feelings toward your business in general.
And the best part? Inbound marketing consists of entirely organic leads, so it relies on brains rather than budget.
Think of it as attracting customers to your company rather than having to chase them.
Now, let’s look at the data on inbound vs outbound.
- Inbound generates 54% more leads than outbound
- Inbound generated 3x more qualified leads than outbound
That’s very compelling, right?
Well, you need to know that people want to educate themselves before making a buying decision. So you need to create the right content to educate your audience about what you have to offer. Naturally, the people who will follow you and engage with your content will be your best prospects.
Now let’s get into the details of how to apply this strategy and then I’ll give you an example.
Watch the video to discover the 3 steps to generate your first prospects
with Inbound Marketing.