As Bo Bennet puts it: “An objection is not a rejection. This is a request for more information ”.
This quote is not trivial, it is so true!

Many marketers give up too quickly when the prospect doesn’t say yes right away. They think that the prospect is really not interested, or that they missed something in the presentation and take the burden on their shoulders.

However, on average, a person needs to see an information 7 times before making a decision. So you don’t have to carry a burden! A NO is perfectly normal, and there are ways to turn it into a YES faster. It is important to know the method so that you don’t burn out and develop your business more easily!

You can download the PDF: « My scripts for handling common objections in MLM ».

Step 1: Qualify the objection.

This means that you have to make sure that the money is the real problem so that you can find a suitable solution. Indeed, if your prospect talks to you about money but deep down it is a lack of confidence in what you are offering, you will not be able to find a suitable solution.

In order to validate the problem, ask the following question:
« If money weren’t an issue, would you sign up today to start the business? »

If the answer is “no”, then the problem is elsewhere and you must continue asking questions to identify it properly and continue to educate your prospect on what you are offering.

If the answer is “Yes, of course!” Then the objection is well qualified and you can go to the next step!

Step 2: Find a solution.

Good, your prospect has made up his mind. This means that you have given all the necessary informations for him to make a decision. So you have to find a solution for the person to raise the money in order to sign up.

The following question is:
« Knowing that you will need X$ to get started, how much are you missing to be able to join us? »

Often prospects do not have a clear idea of ​​what is missing. This will allow them to really think about it (and sometimes realize that there is not much missing), and work with you to find solutions to collect the money.

Now is the time to share a story! You probably know someone (or maybe you found yourself in this same situation) who was missing some money to get started. Tell your prospect this story and share how the person raised the money and then successfully signed up.

“I understand that money is a bit tight to sign up. When Julie who is in our team signed up, she was in the same situation as you. Finally, she sold a piece of furniture that she no longer used / she did a few hours of babysitting … and was able to sign up and get her money back in just 15 days. Is there anything you could do to collect what is missing? « 

Together, look for solutions that are right for your prospect and once you have identified one, you can move on to step 3.

Step 3: Schedule an appointment.

Once you’ve found the solution for your prospect to collect the money, it’s time to schedule a time for him to sign up!

We work from home, but we are professionals. So your time is precious because you have things to do to run your business. This is what is called « posture ». Any entrepreneur would schedule a meeting for someone to get started and so will you.

Simply check with your prospect when he thinks the money will be collected and specify a time to follow up.

Example: « Great! so since you think you will be ready on November 15th, let’s connect around this time. I can follow up with you at 10am or 5pm. What works best for you? »

You can of course suggest that the prospect keep you posted if he collects the money before that appointment. You will then know that you’re going to work with someone who takes action and that is the best you can hope from a teammate!

This way, when you follow up it becomes very easy and you just need to say something like « Hi Julie! As promised I’m following up with you and help you get started! Is everything okay on your side? »

It’s that easy and works like a charm!

If you’re still unsure how to handle the different objections that come your way, go ahead and practice with the scripts you will find in this ressource: